Dr. Will demonstrates his go-to shoulder stretch to help with shoulder pain and/or chest muscle tightness
Dr. Will demonstrates a newborn baby adjustment and what conditions parents typically being in their little ones for: colic, torticollis, latching, constipation, spitting up, and etc.
Dr. Will demonstrates how a pregnant adjustment works. Outside of general body aches, tightness and stiffness, sciatica is a big problem a lot of pregnant women face.
Dr. Will demonstrates a neck adjustment. Other conditions commonly associated with neck pain are: headaches, migraines, shoulder pain and pinched nerve shooting pains (radiculopathy).
Dr. Will demonstrates an adjustment of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and collar-bone. Common reasons why these areas are adjusted include: shoulder pain, elbow pain, hand pain, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder and a jammed finger or thumb.
Dr. Will demonstrates an adjustment of the hip, knee, ankle and foot. Common reasons why these areas are adjusted include: hip pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, calf pain and stiff ankles.